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Super CSV


The main motivation for Super CSV is to be the foremost, fastest, and most programmer-friendly, free CSV package for Java.


Super CSV offers the following features not found together in other CSV packages:

POJO support

Read or write using any old Javabean. Perform deep mapping and index-based mapping using the new Dozer extension! For the old-fashioned, you can read or write with Lists and Maps as well.

Automatic CSV encoding

Forget about handling special characters such as commas and double-quotes - Super CSV will take care of that for you! All content is properly escaped/un-escaped according to the CSV specification.

Highly configurable

Choose your own delimiter, quote character and line separator - or just use one of the predefined configurations. Comma-separated, tab-separated, semicolon-separated (Germany/Denmark) - it's all possible.

Data conversion

Powerful cell processors make it simple to parse input (to Booleans, Integers, Dates, etc), transform values (trimming Strings, doing regular expression replacement, etc) and format output like Dates and Numbers.

Constraint validation

Verify that your data conforms to one or more constraints, such as number ranges, string lengths or uniqueness.

Stream-based I/O

Operates on streams rather than filenames, and gives you the control to flush or close the streams when you want. Write to a file, over the network, to a zip file, whatever!

Message from the author

My years in industry dealing with CSV files (among other things ;-), has enabled me to identify a number of limitations with existing CSV packages. These limitations led me to write Super CSV. My main criticism of existing CSV packages is that reading and writing operates on lists of strings. What you really need is the ability to operate on a range of different types of objects. Moreover, you often need to restrict input/output data with constraints such as minimum and maximum sizes, or numeric ranges. Or maybe you are reading image names, and want to ensure you do not read names contain the characters ":", " ", "/", "^", "%".

Super CSV deals with all these and many other issues. And should you have a constraint not readily expressible in the package, new cell processors can easily be constructed. Furthermore, you don't want to "CSV encode" strings you write. If they happen to contain characters that needs escaping, then the CSV package should take care of this automatically!

The underlying implementation of Super CSV has been written in an extensible fashion, hence new readers/writers and cell processors can easily be supported. The inversion of control implementation pattern has been enforced, eradicating long-lived mistakes such as using filenames as arguments rather than Reader and Writer objects. Design patterns such as chain of responsibility and the null object pattern can also be found in the code. Feel free to have a look!
